OK, I’ve finally gone and done it. I’ve made the switch permanently (as much as anything is “permanent” ) from Internet Explorer 8 to the Google Chrome web browser.
The one thing holding me back was the lack of support (either built-in or provided by a third-party add-in) for sending the contents of a web page to Microsoft OneNote. I pretty much live in two applications: Outlook and OneNote. Anything I think I’m going to refer to in the future gets stuck in a OneNote page. OneNote indexes everything, enabling me to do a keyword search on the entire OneNote database for anything I’ve stored there. Technical information, personal projects – heck, even stuff for my ham radio, shortwave and stamp collecting hobbies! – can be easily searched for and retrieved on a moment’s notice.
One thing I do frequently is send information from a web page to OneNote, but I couldn’t do that in Google Chrome until a gentleman by the name of Eugene Rosenfeld came up with a two-step process that gets the job done. In an article here, Mr. Rosenfeld shows that by using the “IE Tab” add-on to read the current page using Internet Explorer’s rendering engine, right-clicking within the page can send the contents of that page to OneNote. It’s a hack, but it’s a very, very good hack!
Since Google Chrome operates – in my personal experience – about 10 times faster than Internet Explorer 8, this saves a lot of time!
See the following locations on the Web for more information about the products mentioned in this article:
Disclaimer: As I’ve emphasized in many a blog posting in the past, I am not an employee of either Microsoft or Google. (I wouldn’t mind working for either, but that’s another story. ) I have no financial or any other connection with either company, nor do I receive any compensation – financial or otherwise – from either for praising their products online.